πŸ€”When You Feel To Give Up On...

Get ready for a great day, and week, ahead! Let's start by taking a quiet moment to be thankful and think about our blessings. We invite you to begin your day with our morning prayers, a way to set your spirit on the right path: β€‹Spiritual Warfare Prayers to Start The Day​

πŸ€”When You Feel To Give Up On...

2 Corinthians 12:9 My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Yes, life can be extremely tough and experiencing periods when prayers seem to go unanswered may make you want to give up on God.

The Bible reminds us that hardships are part of life, as stated in John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This doesn't promise an easy life, but assures us of God's victory over challenges. In times of despair, we should lean into our faith rather than abandon it, knowing that God will lead us through it all.

When you feel like giving up, remember God's strength is revealed in our weakness, demonstrating His ever-present love and support.

So hold on to these declarations ​57 Powerful Declarations To Speak Over Yourself ​and trust and declare God's goodness every day!

Daily Prayer: Today's Prayer And Scripture: βœŠπŸΌβ€‹Prayer – Surrounded By The Lord​

Your Replies

Looking forward to your replies to today's prayers. Just hit the reply button! Which of these prayers impacted you? Let me know!

Recently on Patreon: These peace-breakers worm their way into our existence, unsettling our spirits, and often leave us feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. It's essential for us to recognize these triggers and consciously submit... Continue reading this audio prayer on Patreon: ​Prayer - Trusting God To Fight Your Battles​

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In Closing

I pray that today's message and prayers have been a blessing to you. Join us for daily Prayer and Devotional notifications on ​Whatsapp​ and ​Telegram​. Have a blessed and God-filled day!


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