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🥰 Prayers As God Is Doing A New Thing In Your Life!

Greetings on this beautiful Monday. May your week be blessed and fruitful! Let's pray: 7 Uplifting Monday Morning Prayers to Kick Off Your Week

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Still struggling with the past? Are you unable to let go, and move on? Or are you carrying loads of baggage from the past?

In the midst of life's challenges, God calls us to shift our gaze from the past to the future. Isaiah 43:18-19 reminds us that dwelling on former things can blind us to the fresh opportunities God is creating. By letting go of what was, we open our hearts and minds to embrace the new work God is doing in our lives.

God's creativity knows no bounds, and His plans for us are filled with hope and promise. Just as He made a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters, God continues to work miracles in our lives today.

As we step into God's new thing, we are called to approach life with anticipation and wonder. The promise of Isaiah 43:19 invites us to look for signs of God's work in our daily lives - to notice the small beginnings of great changes. By cultivating an attitude of expectancy, we position ourselves to cooperate with God's transformative work.

Prayers As God Is Doing A New Thing In Your Life!

Daily Prayer: Today's Prayer And Scripture: Embracing God’s Financial Blessings

Your Replies

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In Closing

I pray that today's message and prayers have been a blessing to you. Join us for daily Prayer and Devotional notifications on ​Whatsapp​ and ​Telegram​. Have a blessed and God-filled day!


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