💪 Rising Above Earthly Desires

Greetings and God's wonderful blessings upon you and your family today! Let's close off this week with this prayer: Prayer: God Is Arranging All Things In My Favor!

Recently on Patreon: “Lord, grant me the wisdom to deal righteously with those who oppose me. Help me to discern the right course of action in each situation, guided by Your Word and Your Spirit. Let me not be led into temptation to repay evil with evil, but to....."

Continue reading this prayer/devotional on Patreon: 🌿Prayer To Overcome Your Enemies​

💪 Rising Above Earthly Desires

Galatians 5:16: So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

We all face earthly temptations, but they don't have to rule us. With God's grace and the Holy Spirit's empowerment, we can overcome these desires and live victoriously!

The flesh is ever-present, but we have a powerful choice: to yield to it or to stand strong against it.

It's crucial to understand that fleshly cravings never truly satisfy. Only through God’s love and grace can we find deep, lasting fulfillment. Consider the emptiness often found in material wealth; true happiness and peace are not found in possessions.

Today, let's embrace God's armor and firmly resist the flesh's allure. Let’s commit to following the Spirit rather than succumbing to the flesh. Remember, the flesh may challenge us, but God’s strength in us is infinitely greater!

1 Corinthians 10:13: No temptation has seized you except what is common to humanity. And God is faithful; He won’t let you be tempted beyond your ability. But with the temptation, He will also provide a way of escape, so you can stand up under it.


Daily Prayer: Today's Prayer And Scripture: Prayer: I Have The Mind Of Christ

Your Replies

Looking forward to your replies and comments to today's prayers. Please, hit the reply button! Which of these prayers impacted you? Let me know!


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In Closing

I pray that today's message and prayers have been a blessing to you. Follow our ​WhatsApp​ channel today! Join us for daily Prayer and Devotional notifications on ​Whatsapp​ and ​Telegram​. Have a blessed and God-filled day!


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